Denmark's Hannah Schneider (half of critically acclaimed duo AyOwA), has established herself as a unique musician on the Danish scene. Her new album, Ocean Letters, released in September, sees classic piano composition and evocative electronic elements form a seamless...
Hannah Schneider: It’s the Season
Danish artist Hannah Schneider addresses this season, and how the summer’s light, intensity and high expectations can sometimes make you feel down and existentially heartbroken. 'It’s the season' is a melancholic pop song, that oozes sedated summer vibes. With fluid...
Josephine Philip: We Get Lost and Found
Copenhagen based singer Josephine Philip released her debut solo album, We Get Lost and Found, earlier this year after performing with and founding several bands, notably JaConfetti, Favelachic and Dullen & Dyken. Josephine began working on the album during the...
Where Did Nora Go – Undivided
Danish singer and composer Astrid Nora, who performs and records under the name Where Did Nora Go, released her fifth EP in April, marking ten years of WDNG. Entitled Undivided, the five songs were all written and recorded during lock down, with a working title of...
Nille Nyc: PowerPainPillsPercussion
Danish artist Nille Nyc first came to our attention late last year when we included her single Wiser in our round up of the best seasonal songs. She promised more to come and now, a few months later, we have Nille's debut EP, PowerPainPillsPercussion. A collection...