Australian based MIK’s Reaction is the name of singer songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Mik. Writing since the age of twelve, Mik says his songs are his “reaction to things I see and hear around me…to make people think as well as enjoy.”
Mik’s fifth single, ‘12 O’clock Again‘ is a heart-rending plea for love. With a string section that really grabs you, this track takes you on a journey of longing and love in the multi layered feelings that surround relationships. The song has an Indie rock folk feel that drops you right in the midst of a rainy night,
where once again sleep is not forthcoming., which is when thoughts of a lost love endlessly churn around in your head.
MIK’s rich, deep bass/baritone vocals are full of real emotion and the torment keeps building as his vocals climb the scale, to the ultimate crescendo.