Christy Bellis‘ debut EP, Human Nature is a fresh look at the age old dilemmas posed by dating and relationships in the twenty first century. An intoxicating mash
up between Marina and Billy Eilish with an Eighties influenced blend of musical genres explore sexual politics and expectations for women now.

The lead track, ‘Bridesmaid‘ offers a cheeky alternative narrative to the one we are so used to hearing in pop music. It takes a well known phrase and flips it on his head to see the positives of independence and “always being the bridesmaid, never the bride”.  The pop vibes are interlaced with reggae with the vocal harmonies of the style being prevalent.  The strength of Christy’s voice is brought to the fore here and is suited to the bold writing style that takes a song by the scruff of it’s neck and brings it to life.

The second track, ‘No Means No‘ is a song bursting with anger and frustration that any woman will hear and identify with.  Whether it’s issues surrounding consent or the freedom to walk around our own surroundings without fear, ‘No Means No’ will speak to all women, especially in 2021 when the UK as a whole has started to see what women have known all along. It’s a powerful track.

Moving on from exploring ‘Me Too’, ‘Human Nature‘ is a fun track about the feelings and confusion that come in the early stages of a relationship, whilst ‘Bored‘ is a comment on modern dating and the endless cycle it creates. Dating apps have desensitised us, that we no longer see people as people on them and it feels more like playing a game. Christy says

“We tell ourselves we’ll stop using them but we always come back because society tells us in a modern world it’s the only way to find someone and be happy”

She’s probably not wrong about that.  She’s also bang on the money with this EP about Human Nature – I look forward to hearing a lot more from Christy Bellis.  Her advice for aspiring artists is as follows:

“For me there is no formula to how I write, but often the music is lead by the words. Whether it’s a physical note pad, or the note section in your phone, always have it with you to write down any thoughts or feelings the world around you inspires- they could become the lyrics to your next song. This is the same for voice memos, never let a good melody go to waste. I often find melodies will come to me at the most awkward of times, as I’m falling asleep or I’m on the train, but don’t be afraid to record an idea so you can come back to it later. Most importantly don’t put yourself in a box and never stop exploring what music is to you as an artist.”

Human Nature is released on October 8 on Klee Music.

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