Are you a music blogger, or want to become one?


Share your passion for music with a bigger audience through Angry Baby! After all, when you’re going to all that trouble to write as a music blogger, surely you want as many people as possible to read it?

We’re always looking for talented writers to join our team, so whether you write every day, once a week or once in a while, pop your details in the box below, along with a link to somewhere where we can see your work, and we’ll get right back to you.

Just to be clear, being an Angry Baby music blogger is an unpaid role. We all write for the love of the music and for the joy of spreading the word about new, independent artists. After all, sharing is caring! But we hope you’ll enjoy the reward of getting your favourite music in front of more people who deserve to hear it. 

music blogger

7 + 3 =

Angry Baby is built on a solid foundation of music appreciation, decades of business experience, and passion to see talented artists fairly rewarded for their creativity.